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Psychologist, spiritual teacher, philanthropist, and author of the groundbreaking book Be Here Now, Ram Dass learned at age 78 that he had a 53-year-old son, Peter Reichard. In this episode, Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert welcome Peter and his wife Linda for their very first joint interview to discuss Ram Dass, share stories about his profound influence, and offer action steps to channel his teachings in a way that can enhance your spiritual practice and your everyday life.


Paramahansa Yogananda’s exquisite personal journey, detailed in Autobiography of a Yogi, is among the most important spiritual stories of our time. He introduced millions of people to meditation and yoga, meeting with everyone from business leaders to a U.S. president to spread his wisdom. In this very special episode, Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert broadcast live from Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine Temple in Los Angeles where Yogananda lived for a time, interview a monk of the SRF monastic community, and pay tribute to the 20th century’s first “superstar guru.”


Known as the founder of Transcendental Meditation and the global guru to millions of people including the Beatles, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our time. Closer to home, he is One Soul Radio cohost Steve Hasenberg’s most significant personal teacher, as Steve served as Maharishi’s loyal apprentice and student for almost three years. Cali Alpert and Steve will discuss the many ways Maharishi impacted modern spirituality, enjoy countless firsthand stories of Steve’s experiences with this master, and offer action steps to help listeners get a little closer to these ancient practices in their own lives.


Born in Jamaica and raised in his early years by his father, then by his strict uncle in the U.K., Mooji endured much hardship. By age 30, Mooji was working as a street artist when an encounter with a Christian launched his spiritual path. In 1993 he traveled in India, where he encountered the guru Papaji, who changed his life and shaped the wisdom that would soon attract and inspire followers around the globe. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert discuss how Mooji has impacted them, share thoughts and stories about the seeker’s path, and break down some of Mooji’s most poetic and prophetic quotes that can inspire us all.


Anita Moorjani’s near-death experience in 2006 is one of the most riveting and widely shared stories of spontaneous healing and finding purpose ever published. After suffering for four years with cancer that ravaged her body and left her in a coma for 30 hours, Moorjani experienced the other side. Eventually choosing to return to her body, she brought back profound and invaluable lessons that would inform her life and the lessons from which we have all benefited. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will discuss how Anita has impacted them, share their stories of going against and with their souls, and offer tips to help you be aligned in a way that can prevent “dis-ease” in your life.


Known as the “queen of the New Age,” Louise Hay was a publishing icon and founder of Hay House, best-selling author, and shape-shifter in the healing arena. Having endured a very tumultuous early life, Louise transmuted her own experience of trauma and health challenges into a new paradigm to heal, helping people build a bridge between their physical ailments and their emotions. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will discuss Louise’s legacy, the connection between mind and body health, and offer tips to create a new language for what your body is trying to tell you in the name of healing.


We are almost two years into this unprecedented pandemic. Could you use a refresher on some of the helpful lessons coming out of this challenging and surreal time? Covid-19 has forced a global time-out upon every human being at the same time, asking us to go inside, dig deep, assess our true priorities, make authentic decisions, consolidate our lives, reexamine consumerism, honor nature, and face our mortality. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will analyze their experiences during this time of Covid-19, share their stories of awakening, and offer steps that translate our universal pandemic experiences into life lessons from which we can benefit every day.


How many times were you celebrated as a kid for having a stiff upper lip or not shedding tears. Perhaps you were told you were ‘too sensitive’ and instead built a protective seal around every deep feeling you had. Well, it’s time to shake up that mindset. Being sensitive and having the courage to live into it fully is a beautiful thing and requires plenty of courage. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will share where their own deep sensitivities brought them both joy and pain, discuss the various shades of living as a sensitive person, and offer tips to harness your sensitivity to help accelerate your personal growth.


In the book Wherever You Go, There You Are, Jon Kabat-Zinn explains what Buddhists call the “mindstream,” the never-ending ticker tape of thoughts, sensory experiences, and feelings that run through our awareness. In teaching mindful meditation, Kabat-Zinn asks readers to take a step back, take a breath, and learn how to watch thoughts and feelings without becoming overly attached or overwhelmed by them. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will share their processes for learning how to be their own thoughts’ witness, and they share suggestions for adopting this form of mindfulness to move from being mind-centered to heart-centered in the name of finding more peace and joy.


Based on concepts including the Law of Attraction, Rhonda Byrne’s 2006 self-help book sold 30 million copies worldwide and changed millions of lives in the process. These teachings are rooted in early literature and history dating back to the Bible, and creating the life you want is really what the universe intends for you if you can just get out of your own way. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert discuss ways to access the universal flow of abundance from a place of stillness and receptivity, share their personal stories around successful and unsuccessful manifesting, and offer up some steps to help guide you to create what you desire in a more effortless way.


This classic personal growth best seller by Buddhist nun and teacher Pema Chödrön offers a radical reframing that may turn all the feelings and issues we deem difficult into opportunities for growth. By leaning into instead of running away from fear, pain, and challenges, we have an opportunity to make friends with the tough stuff and open up our hearts to joy in ways we haven’t imagined. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert talk about how Pema has deeply influenced them, share their take on this Buddhist perspective, and offer steps to help listeners transmute their suffering into ease.


While many of us are raised believing that success is about achievements and checking boxes, the best-selling The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, M.D., shows us another way: Getting into a flow with the natural rhythms of the universe can actually bring us more abundance, joy, and good health than we can imagine. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will break down the seven spiritual laws, share their unique interpretations and stories, and offer action steps to aid you on the road to spiritual success.


Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now was spawned by an instantaneous life-or-death decision he made during the depths of depression. Today Tolle’s lifesaving wisdom has given a whole new awareness to the idea of being present and how that awareness can get us through unimaginable challenges. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will break down the core tenets of the book, share their personal insights and stories, and offer a fresh twist on Tolle’s solutions for getting out of our heads and into the moment.


People express and experience love in uniquely different ways, and the five love languages aim to help unify those differences. Originally created for romantic partners to better communicate, the five love languages can also be applied to friendships, familial relationships, and even a relationship with oneself. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will break down the love languages, share personal experiences of succeeding and failing with them, and offer action steps to help listeners rise to a new level of lovespeak.


In his seminal best-selling book The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz reveals ancient Toltec wisdom to help undo the societal imprints that can obstruct our road to joy and freedom. Through Steve Hasenberg’s unique lens of having studied and traveled with don Miguel for years, he and Cali Alpert discuss each agreement in a deeper way, share stories of Steve’s life-altering experiences, and apply the Toltec lessons to everyday life in the name of writing one’s own story and embracing one’s own truths.


In this special episode, Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert welcome psychotherapist and best-selling author Connie Zweig, Ph.D., for a conversation about her new book, The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul. We discuss the inner obstacles of late life and how to embrace the spiritual gifts of aging, including moving from self-rejection to self-acceptance, repairing past hurts, and exploring the resistance to later life chapters that can pave the way for a more peaceful and joyous aging process.


Anxiety and depression plague millions of people in the U.S. When we look at the spiritual meaning behind mental illness, we discover some very interesting things. Depression can serve as a tool to remove us from life for a while and compel us to reexamine beliefs and challenges we need to face. Anxiety can shine a light on the fears that limit our personal growth and force us to face them at a deeper level. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will share their own bouts with mental challenges and offer guidance that can help shift the struggles that depression and anxiety create.


While setting boundaries is a challenge that we may consider limiting to our relationships, doing so is actually one of the most expansive things we can do. The higher our self-esteem, the easier and more sound our boundaries are. To own our needs is to value ourselves. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will discuss their long histories with boundary issues and offer steps to help you create healthy boundaries in a comfortable and self-supporting way.


Most people on a spiritual path dream of enlightenment, the feeling of being fully awake and understanding of life in a divine way. Enlightenment does not have to be a lofty, unattainable goal. It can be also be viewed in more tangible ways—by lightening up the way you experience your thoughts, feelings, and circumstances every day. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert help to distinguish between the egoic barriers that slow our spiritual process down and the spacious witnessing that can bring us closer to the most evolved versions of ourselves.


To many, the word destiny conjures up an intangible, mystical force that determines every step of our lives. In Italian, destino means “it is written in the stars.” But you may have a bigger hand in your destiny than you know, and it starts with building a mindful relationship with it. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert guide listeners with helpful questions to understand why they are living the life they are, share stories of their own discoveries of destiny, and offer tips to ensure you’re living the destiny you most desire.


So you’re committed to your daily practice. You meditate. Listen to mindfulness apps. Visit your local yoga studio or your online YouTube guru regularly. But do you approach your daily practice with a level of mindfulness that reminds you why you took it up in the first place? Or are you looking for the right incentive to begin a practice for the first time? Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert discuss the nuances of a daily practice and the benefits of having one, and they offer up fresh ways to take your practice to the next level.


They say everything is perception, right? That very few things are truly right, wrong, good, or bad. Perception is the part of our consciousness that experiences reality, and it is found in every spiritual tradition, from Native American to Jungian psychology. But where do the beliefs that shape our perceptions come from, and can they be used productively to bring us to a healthier, happier state? Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert offer up a valuable, unique way to reframe the way you perceive challenges big and small, as a crucial stepping-stone to thrive and foster joy.


Love and fear are companions on the road of life. How often do you get pulled in by your fears and forget that your essential nature is love? If you allow fear to dominate your life, the result will be dis-ease, anxiety, and an unwillingness to engage with life. If you access your inner reservoir of love, you will have an openheartedness toward life, one of balance and harmony. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert share their experiences and stories about being hijacked by fear and then being saved by love. They will offer ways to heal fear and access the deep love that lives within all of us.


Do you know who you really are? Have you been searching? What you may not know is that you actually have two selves: your ego or material self and your divine or heavenly self. If you operate from the large self, your life is lived with ease and a loving openness to the world around you. If you live from the ego self, the world is full of comparisons and feelings of isolation. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will discuss their relationship to these two seemingly opposite parts of themselves and share tips about how to work more creatively with both, promising a life of greater fulfillment.


Buddhist teachings remind us that uncertainty is natural to ordinary life. The more we can make peace with that reality by finding the safe refuge that resides in each of us, the less we will suffer. As the world hopes to turn a collective corner coming out of a pandemic, many of us share an expectation that we are wiser, bolder, and clearer on what our lives mean and where we are going. But are we? Or are the continuing unknowns we face in our personal lives and the world at large more murky than ever? Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert discuss the many ways uncertainty continues to plague us and offer ways to embrace, even celebrate, the beauty of uncertainty.


Central to all successful relationships is empathy, the capacity to understand the feelings of others—or to stand in someone else’s moccasins. For some people, empathy comes naturally, sometimes to extreme degrees where even a stranger’s emotions become your own. To others, often on the narcissistic spectrum, empathy is a foreign concept. As we emerge from a devastating global pandemic, the hope is that we also emerge with more empathy for others, and ourselves. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will talk about ways to develop empathy, and how to best use it as a tool to improve your life.


Once relegated to recreational drug users and higher consciousness seekers, psychedelic drugs are making a comeback, this time in the mainstream. Psychedelics like psilocybin and MDMA are part of a growing body of research around the treatment of cancer, depression, alcoholism, and PTSD. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will talk about the extraordinary outcomes from some of these studies, the current climate around the usage of these drugs, and share their own youthful and revelatory experimentations that have contributed to their spiritual awakenings.


Most of us know a bit about scarcity, and all of us wish for abundance. Yes, money is the first thing we identify with these topics, but the magic sauce to creating abundance is really about more than fixing our financial woes. From a spiritual perspective, scarcity can act as a mirror to the parts of us that feel undeserving, unloved, and undervalued and need to be embraced. With the right perspective, we can create space around our deepest scarcity crisis and create a foundation from which prosperity, joy, and manifestation spring. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will speak to the wider perspective around abundance, the karmic stories you need to befriend, and action steps to help undo limitations and create what you desire.


Do you feel like the good old-fashioned concept of communication has lost its way? Social media seems to define our popularity. Prompt response time is a rarity, and being direct with your thoughts and feelings is more of a far-reaching concept than a daily practice. From the idea of follow-through, to swiftly answering emails, to trading in gossip for expressing more loving sentiments, Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert cover all the bases to good communication in the 21st century.Do you feel like the good old-fashioned concept of communication has lost its way? Social media seems to define our popularity. Prompt response time is a rarity, and being direct with your thoughts and feelings is more of a far-reaching concept than a daily practice. From the idea of follow-through, to swiftly answering emails, to trading in gossip for expressing more loving sentiments, Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert cover all the bases to good communication in the 21st century.


Is happiness a lasting state or a momentary feeling? While we’ve been raised with an aspirational checklist that would get us closer to achieving happiness, the truth is that happiness is not an achievement, it’s a mastery of leaning into what is. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert discuss the difference between happiness without a cause and happiness with a cause, establish the different types of happiness, and lay out thoughtful action steps to help you get closer to a life of being happy every day.


There are a few universal experiences that everyone shares: death, taxes … and stress. While fleeting stress can be a motivator, long-term stress can impact your health and relationships and become a barrier to experiencing joy. Through a psychospiritual lens, circumstances don’t bring stress—our relationship to the circumstances does. Responding with your peaceful Buddha mind vs. reacting from your monkey mind can make the difference between freedom and suffering. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert present a fresh perspective on stress, distinguish between ways to process it, and offer steps to lean in in the name of inner peace.


They say that forgiveness is a greater gift to the person granting it than the one on the receiving end. But that doesn’t make it easier to do. Forgiving someone requires a level of grace, surrender, and even compassion that can ultimately lend itself to everything from inner freedom to developing tools for conflict resolution. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will delve into the behaviors of grudge holders and forgivers, share stories of deep forgiveness and offer ways to more easily move into a willingness to forgive.


How much risk do you take in your life? Risks don’t have to come from jumping out of airplanes or betting in Vegas. We can engage in small risks every day by the way we make decisions, change routines, and tackle challenges. Abraham Maslow talks of safety choices and risk choices, the latter of which can lead to great growth. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert discuss different versions of risk-taking, the benefits, and how to find small ways to raise your risk quotient every day.


While acknowledging our IQ is the mainstream gauge of our intelligence, do you know about your EQ or emotional intelligence? Being able to recognize our emotions and those of others helps us navigate life, and it serves as a guide to our thoughts and behaviors. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will discuss ways to use your emotional awareness as a compass to guide you through your own journey and to help recognize how to read the room to best relate with others.


In Japanese culture, it’s called “wabi-sabi,” the acceptance of transience and imperfection. We humans tend to strive for perfection, not realizing that what we really need to do is forego our perfectionistic tendencies and embrace a deeper acceptance of who we really are. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert point out where we lean toward perfectionism and how we can opt for ways to know we are enough just as we are.


Loneliness is an epidemic that has been plaguing us and our physical health for a long time. COVID-19 has broadened its scope, impacting people in relationships and families as well as those who live alone. Do you know how to distinguish between loneliness and being alone, and how to see the latter for its virtues and benefits? Spiritual psychotherapist Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will present some unique ideas that will help you transition from the isolated and painful experience of loneliness to a warm and reconnected state of aloneness.


Do you believe in coincidences or occasionally experience the divine magic that’s really operating behind the scenes? When we are in flow with life, synchronicities can show up to remind us of the interconnectedness of all things. These surprise happenings can make us smile, feel a sense of well-being, and ensure we encounter the right people and situations at the right time. Psychiatrist Carl Jung, who put the concept on the map, believed these “meaningful coincidences” are meant to call attention to the relationship of our deeper selves to the workings of the universe. Spiritual psychotherapist Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will share their riveting stories and help you to recognize synchronicities in your own life as a tool for finding inner peace.


Perhaps the most important item that we can carry in our spiritual toolbox is loving-kindness. When life doles out challenges, opening our hearts and cultivating kindness toward ourselves and others can guide us through the most difficult situations. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert help listeners define what loving-kindness is, take them through a full practice session, and talk about its application in everyday life.


For millennia, people have had NDEs and returned from their short time on the other side of the veil with profound wisdom about life on earth. From indigenous wisdom keepers to modern day neurologists, NDE survivors share common descriptions of what they saw, felt, and heard, and they are universal in the messages they bring back. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert share extraordinary NDE stories, an understanding of why they happen, and the three most important lessons that survivors carry with them.


It is said that we should treat ourselves as we would treat our best friend. So why is that so difficult to do? We know how to love our partners, families, and friends freely, yet the reflex to love oneself is often the last muscle to develop. We need to foster self-love because it is truly the baseline that anchors everything we seek, from happy relationships with others all the way to pure enlightenment. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert explore the blocks we have, share stories about their personal lessons on the road to self-compassion and self-love, and offer up tips to better become your own best friend.


Do you know that we are all made of two I’s? The big I that is our divine essence and the little I that embodies our personalities and earthbound checklists. In between them lives space for our inner witness to observe both, to recognize when we are remembering our true spiritual source and when we are more bogged down by our attachment to things, including appreciation, accumulation, recognition, and love from others. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will explore both sides of our inner I’s and offer up ways to use the space between them to find more inner peace, stillness, and a portal to more joy.


The word “gratitude” is widely used these days, but do you know the difference between thinking it and feeling it, and how feeling gratitude may be the greatest source of emotional and physical healing? Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert will share their own experiences with accessing gratitude, and they will help you harness its energy in new ways.


How badly do you want things, relationships, opportunities, experiences, and even peace of mind? It’s a common trait to desire things so deeply that you’ll do anything to attain them. Real non-attachment doesn’t come from stepping back from your experiences; it comes from the fullest participation in each moment of your life while maintaining a quiet mind. Steve and Cali discuss how deepening our inner stillness can create the perfect foundation for achieving all that you desire.


Some masters teach that our souls choose our families before we take birth to ensure we learn our predestined lessons and further our spiritual growth. But it doesn’t feel that way a lot of the time. Family dysfunction can shine a light on our issues, impact our upbringings, and also propel us to excavate our greatest strengths. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert offer their insights about being raised in dysfunctional families and the immeasurable gifts that came from them.


Love comes in many forms and is perhaps the most universal craving we humans share. While many people put their focus on romantic love, familial love, and the love of friends, there are other types of love that may warrant equal, if not more, attention. The love of self, the love of God, the love of all people—are they on your love list? Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert talk about the higher reasons behind our collective love jones and how we get in our own way, and they offer up tips for the best way to love well in all areas of our lives.


While many people may believe karma is a punishment or reward for the actions of a previous life, did you know that karma is actually a gift from your higher self and an opportunity to learn valuable lessons? Cohosts Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert talk about the hero’s journey through this lens and help you heed the call of all your hidden parts, which are beckoning you to make friends with your experiences and parts of yourself in a new, liberating way.


It’s been said that you can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been. The maiden One Soul Radio show of 2021 will help you get clarity on both in order to process what you’ve been through in 2020 and how to fully and mindfully create what you want going forward. Cohosts Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert discuss getting perspective on the path you’ve charted so far and how to refine your vision so that all your dreams can be manifested in this fresh, new year.


Our moods and personalities are a mosaic of energies from the present moment, our upbringings, and our past lives. We feel many things at the same time, but a lot of us don’t make space or feel comfortable embracing all of them. Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert explore ways to befriend all the layers of conflicting feelings we face, and they share specific tips to become better, more allowing friends to ourselves.


Each moment is our greatest teacher. This is especially important to remember when we go through difficult experiences. Listen as Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert share personal stories of tough times, teach you how to reframe life challenges, and offer up concrete action steps to find the helpful lessons in everything the earth school doles out.